Most children like songs. In my nursery schools, we teach children as early as one year, to sing this action phonic song . Our Cory Cat Phonics Song will help children say sounds through actions.
They pretend to bounce a ball as they sing "Bobby Bear b b b ".
By the time they are 3 years old, many are ready to learn to read more formally(ehem I suggest you use Readeasy Phonics Beginner Level).
To make learning sounds more meaningful for children(2 yrs and above), do multi-sensory activities :
1. Use water colour to finger paint the letters. Teacher/Parent models how to write the letter being taught for the week. It is very important for the children to learn the right way each letter is written. Children dip their fingers in the paint & practice writing the letter on their own. Encourage the them to say the sound as they write.
2. Sound Collage - Children paste paper, cotton, fabric, beans on letter shapes. Don't forget to ask them to say the sound(not letter names) as they do the activity.

- Level the sand after each letter so as not to confuse your child.
Research has shown that children learn to spell better if they have made tactile and physical associations with sounds/& letters.
Have fun with your child.
Alphabet Song for Teaching Letter Sounds Alphabet Song