New Phonemes: /m, n/
Graphemes: m n
Words: man, map, nap, an, ant, pan, Nat, am, Pam, , tan, ap, apt
(Bold- words taught in the textbook. The rest are other words including 'nonsense words'.)
Lesson 1
Phonemes: /m, n/
Graphemes: m, n
Standard: 2.1
Standard: 2.1.1, 2.1.2(b), 3.1.2(a), (b)
Teaching Aids: Sound card 'm'(3), 'n'(3); pocket chart; Picture cards of words beginning with 'm' and 'n' - man, map, mop, net,nest, nap.
Time: 30 minutes
1. Revise phonemes /s æ t p/. Flash sound cards and sing Association Action Song.
2. Teacher introduces /m/. Follow Basic Teaching Steps to introduce a sound(Refer Teaching Phonics 1)
3. Sing Association Action Song(from Cory cat Phonics Song), Mickey Mouse m m m(Rub your tummy ).
4. Repeat Steps 1-3 for phoneme /n/; Action Song - Nelly Nightingale n n n(driving a sports car).
5. Play 'Throw Me In'. Introduce picture names for words beginning with /m/ and /n/ as pupils play the game.
6. Do writing activities(model the correct way of writing the grapheme):
- touch sandpaper letter
- form 'm' with modelling clay
- copy, write 'm' (AB pg 16; intergrate ICT, use Microsoftword. Let pupils choose font, colour it and print.)
Phonemes: /m, n/
Graphemes: m, n
Standard: 2.1
Standard: 2.1.1, 2.1.2(b)
Teaching Aids: Sound card 'm'(3), 'n'(3); Picture cards of words beginning with 'm' and 'n' - man, map, mop, net,nest, nap.
Time: 30 minutes
1. Teacher revises the phonemes /m n/.
2. Play 'Put It Right', Textbook pg 15.
3. Do writing activity AB pg 17.
Phonemes: /m/, /n/
Graphemes: m, n
Standard: 2.1
Standard: 1.1.1(g), 2.1.1, 2.1.2(b),2.1.3, 2.1.4
Teaching Aids: Sound cards 'm', 'n', 'p', 't' and 'a'; pocket chart;
Time: 30 minutes
1. Teacher revises the phonemes /s æ t p m n/.
2. Do Oral Blending for words in the word list 'Sound It Right', Textbook pg
3. Play 'Sound It Right', Textbook pg 16. Divide pupils into 2 groups. Teacher says /m-æ-n/(sound-by-sound) and pupils compete to put the corresponding sound cards together. Then they read and segment the word, for eg 'man', /m-æ-n/.
Don't forget to ask the whole class to read and segment the word too.
4. Do writing activity AB pg 18. Encourage the pupils to say the sounds as they write each word. For instance for the word 'sat', encourage them to say /s- æ -t/ as they write.
Phonemes: /m/, /n/
Graphemes: m, n
Standard: 2.1
Standard: 2.1.1, 2.1.2(b),2.1.3
Teaching Aids: Sound cards 'm', 'n', 'p', 't' and 'a'; pocket chart; Reading Text, textbook pg 16; Sight word cards - 'on', 'the' (written in blue)
Time: 30 minutes
1. Revise blending words quickly.
2. Read the text on page 16 together. Teach pupils to read the blue words(sight words) using look & say method(use flash cards).
3. Next let the pupils take turns to read in groups. Then pair them up and let them read the text to each other.
4. Do dictation ( For abled students - sentence level. Show sight word cards if they have problem writing the sight words; for the less abled - word level )
5. Do manipulaton. The suggested manipulation sequence for sounds represented by /s æ t p m n/ is:
a - an - am - pam - map - man - pan - tan - tap - nap - map - ap - apt - ant
This manipultaion exercise is very powerful because you are training your pupils to read any possible sound combinations.
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